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EtG/EtS Urine Alcohol Testing

The advantages of EtG & EtS Alcohol Urine Tests over other alcohol screening tests are that they can detect alcohol usage up to 80 hours after consumption.

Substance abuse and addiction are growing problems for families and businesses, with alcohol abuse playing a large part.

There are two common methods used for alcohol testing:

  • Simple urine tests
  • Breathalyzers

These methods detect whether a person has consumed alcohol recently. However, no such method could determine if someone had consumed alcohol more than 24 hours ago. This is because alcohol is processed by the body very rapidly, typically at a rate of 1 drink per hour.

Recently, a new protocol has been developed and is being referred to as the “gold standard of alcohol testing” because it can determine if someone has used alcohol even several days earlier!

This powerful protocol enables Transmetron to use two newly developed testing techniques: the EtG (Ethyl Glucuronide) Test and the EtS (Ethyl Sulfate) Test. These methods can outline the entire alcohol consumption history for the past 80 hours. This is a highly useful tool for enforcing a zero-tolerance policy on alcohol consumption in the workplace.

How Does an EtG/EtS Alcohol Test Work?

Ethyl glucuronide (EtG) is a metabolite produced only when alcohol is in the bloodstream. It is identified as a marker of alcohol consumption through an analytical process that provides forensic evidence of patterns of alcohol abuse—or the absence of it.

The more alcohol a person consumes, the greater the amount of EtG markers present in the bloodstream. The presence of EtG in the urine can be used to detect recent alcohol consumption, even after ethanol is no longer measurable in the bloodstream. As a result, a urine alcohol test employing EtG is a more accurate indicator of recent alcohol consumption than simply measuring the presence of ethanol.

If the laboratory detects the presence of EtG in the urine sample, it will also test for the presence of EtS (another alcohol metabolite). Testing for both metabolites improves the accuracy and reliability of the test.

Transmetron generally uses EtG/EtS urine testing for zero-tolerance and alcohol abstinence programs, such as those used in Drug Courts, family law cases, treatment facilities, and school systems.

Features and Benefits of EtG/EtS Testing Include:

  • The combined test for EtG and EtS provides greater sensitivity and accuracy.
  • Ideal for zero-tolerance and abstinence situations.
  • A strong indicator of ethanol ingestion within the previous 3 to 4 days.
  • Allows monitoring in alcohol treatment programs.
  • Acts as an early warning system to detect trends toward relapse.
  • Tests are performed by LC/MS/MS on state-of-the-art equipment.
  • EtG/EtS tests may be run on urine specimens in conjunction with other Transmetron panels.
  • Fast turnaround time from receipt of specimen (48 hours for negative results, 72 hours for positive results).
  • Results available via internet, email, fax, and/or U.S. Mail.

A Medical Review Officer (MRO) service is available upon request to help identify “incidental exposure” to products or medications that might produce EtG/EtS positive test results.